OT Blog

Information and discussion related to high-resolution lidar topography for the Earth sciences

TauDEM processing on OpenTopography

Topographic rasters produced from OpenTopography's high-resolution point clouds can be used in tandem with TauDEM, an open source analysis toolkit by Dr. David Tarboton at Utah State University, to extract hydrologic information from topography. TauDEM can perform calculations such as flow direction and area contributing to a point within the hydrologic network.

OpenTopography: 2015 in Review Infographic

OpenTopography had a big year in 2015, and we continue to see exponential growth in number of users and jobs run to access and process data in 2015. We compiled metrics from the past year into this infographic to summarize OpenTopography use in 2015.

We look forward to another year of growth in users and available data in 2016!
