Supported by:
Southern California Earthquake Center, UC Davis KeckCAVES, and OpenTopography
Christopher Crosby, San Diego Supercomputer Center
Mike Oskin, UC Davis
J Ramon Arrowsmith, Arizona State University
Campus Map | SMF to Hallmark Inn | SMF to Hyatt | Visitor Parking | Computer Notes
Course Announcement
Draft Agenda
Ex 1: Basic visualization of LiDAR Digital Elevation Models using ArcGIS | Video Tutorials
Ex 2: Extracting Information from DEMs in ArcMap | Basic Landscape Morphometry | Video Tutorials
Ex 3: Fault Zone Mapping with Differential Lidar
Ex 4: No tutorial - exploration of OpenTopography web-based tools
Ex 5: LiDAR Viewer Tutorial
Ex 6: No tutorial - KeckCAVES demo
Ex 7: LaDicaoz User Manual | LaDicaoz Movies and Software
Ex. 1: Exercise 1 Data
Ex. 7: LaDicaoz Sample Data