
Alaska Denali-Totschunda EarthScope Data Release

Dec 2, 2009

OpenTopography is pleased to release another round of EarthScope LiDAR topography data. These data cover the Denali and Totschunda faults in Alaska and include a portion of the surface rupture of the 2002 M7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake. Full data release announcement is below.

Slopeshade image of Alaska Denali-Totschunda EarthScope data in Google Earth


OpenTopography Processing Limits Increased and User Access Levels Simplified

Nov 7, 2009

This week OpenTopography rolled out increased LiDAR point could processing limits and a simplified scheme of user access levels. OpenTopography is a authenticated system whereby users have certain privileges for data access, processing limits, and system features. User level is defined for each user and applied when the user is logged into OpenTopography. The new scheme simplifies users into three levels:

Wasatch Nephi North Data Now Available

Sep 11, 2009

OpenTopography is pleased to announce that the Nephi North portion of the Wasatch fault LiDAR data set, acquired during the GeoEarthScope Intermountain Seismic Belt (ISB) project is now available. The majority of the ISB data set was released via OpenTopography in May, but due to additional data processing challenges, the Nephi North segment of the data set was not distributed at that time.


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