
Reduced OpenTopography support during holidays

Dec 22, 2021

On account of the winter holiday break and the San Diego Supercomputer Center at University of California, San Diego closure, OpenTopography will be operating with reduced support between December 23rd and January 2nd. OpenTopography systems will be fully available and users may run jobs as normal. However responses to emails, system outages, and bug reports may be delayed. If you have questions or concerns please email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

OpenTopography summer 2022 internship opportunity

Dec 21, 2021

OpenTopography will be hiring at least one Data Science intern this summer via the UNAVCO Summer Internship Program (USIP). The intern(s) will work with the OpenTopography team to develop workflows and services related to processing, analysis, and/or visualization of topographic data managed by OpenTopography ( These include lidar, photogrammetry, and radar data in point cloud and raster formats.

Highlight your OpenTopography-based work

Oct 27, 2021

We want to highlight science, art, and other uses of OpenTopography data and services. We plan to publish short summaries contributed by our user-community that show a variety of use cases for topography datasets in academic, commercial, and hobby applications. Submissions can include—but are not limited to—published or unpublished science results, an image of a topography dataset, art work, a 3D print, an example of community outreach, or a commercial use case. The submissions must have used at least one dataset that is available on OpenTopography.

New NCALM dataset along coast of Lake Michigan, Wisconsin

Oct 11, 2021

A new lidar dataset covering 84 km2 along the coast of Lake Michigan east of Milwaukee, Wisconsin is now available on OpenTopography. This lidar dataset was collected as part of a National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) seed grant for Collin Roland at the University of Wisconsin and includes bathymetry. This study used airborne lidar to assess Lake Michigan coastal erosion by measuring the geomorphic response to extremely high lake levels.

New NCALM dataset in Tahoe National Forest available

Sep 24, 2021

A new lidar dataset covering approximately 62 km2 within Tahoe National Forest near Truckee, California is now available on OpenTopography. This lidar dataset was collected as part of a National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) Seed grant for Louis Graup at the University of California, Santa Barbara. This study used airborne lidar to study how to preserve mountains as "water towers" through forest management.

OpenTopography expands 3DEP data access to international academics, K-12 teachers, and informal educators

Sep 17, 2021

OpenTopography is happy to extend access to USGS 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) data (point clouds and 1m raster data) via our portal to international academics, K-12 teachers, and informal educators via a formal application process described here. Successful applicants will be able to seamlessly discover, download, and process the 3DEP dataset via the standard OpenTopography interface.


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