
New NCALM dataset northwest of Salmon, Idaho available

Mar 14, 2022

A new lidar dataset covering 42 km2 northwest of Salmon, Idaho is now available on OpenTopography. This lidar dataset was collected by the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) for Brian Yanites at Indiana University, Bloomington in order to quantify the impact of a drainage diversion in the late 19th century on landscape processes. The lidar data will be used to map the channel morphology, landslides, and tension cracks that continue to propagate across the landscape to this day within the Dump Creek basin.

New NCALM lidar dataset in southeastern Sierra Nevada and Inyo Mountains

Mar 2, 2022

A new lidar dataset covering approximately 133 km2 north of Ridgecrest, California, in the southeastern Sierra Nevada and Inyo Mountains, is now available on OpenTopography. This lidar dataset was collected by the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) for Dr. Roman DiBiase at Pennsylvania State University. The airborne lidar from this study was used to quantify the controls of wildfire, climate, and tectonics on the transition between soil-mantled and bedrock hillslopes.

New NCALM dataset of Eastern Cascade Mountains, Washington now available

Dec 30, 2021

A new lidar dataset covering approximately 63 km2 of the Eastern Cascade Mountains in Washington State is now available on OpenTopography. The study area is located northwest of Ellensburg, WA. This lidar dataset was collected as part of a National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) seed grant for Cassie Lumbrazo at the University of Washington to evaluate the hydrologic effects of forest restoration.


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